Master Replicas Authorized Retailer Program
We are now an Authorized Retailer for Master Replicas. This is a very good thing. We currently sell Fullly Licensed replicas for Star Wars and LOTR=Lord of the rings. Working with Master Replicas gives us the ability to sell Officially Licensed Star Wars Props, as well as Star Trek, Alien, The Predator, and both Men in Black movies as well!!! So keep an eye out for these prop-replicas from the above listed movies, in the near future!!!
Lord Of The Rings Officially Licensed Prop-Replicas
We are now an Authorized Retailer for United Cutlery, and the Noble Collection! This is allowing us to sell from both collections of merchandise. They both make all of the LOTR weapons. The only difference is that the Noble collection is a tad better looking with jewels and gold plating. Enjoy
New Arrivals:Luke and Vader FX
The Rings of Power
Jango Fett dual pistols